Why Become a Self-Published Author? 4 Perks You’ll Enjoy

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Conventional wisdom dictates that authors who wish to publish their children’s book materials should tap an established publisher. This is because a publishing company has the needed connections with book stores, the equipment to print the materials, and manpower to handle the various aspects of publishing. In short, it’s the most convenient way for any author.

But there are authors who choose a different way to publish their materials: through children’s book self-publishing. Publishing your own children’s book can actually be the better option with the different benefits that you can enjoy. There are publishing companies that are willing to assist authors in printing their own children’s books, unlike traditional publishers who demand that they handle everything on behalf of the author.

Here are the top reasons you should consider self-publishing:

You’re the captain of your ship

When you decide to publish your own book, you can enjoy tremendous creative freedom and the ability to decide on everything concerning your book. This would include choosing your own book cover, layout, paper type, title, and many others. More importantly, you’ll have 100% control over your story unlike when you opt to have your book published by a commercial publishing company which could lead to changes in your book. This way, you can confidently say that the book is truly your own, as it would represent your personality and preferences.

You can expect better financial returns

In traditional book publishing set up, authors generally earn just a tiny fraction of their book’s total sales. This is because the publisher usually takes the largest slice of the pie, thus leaving the author with mere bread crumbs as compensation.

With the self-publishing option, you can turn things around since you stand to earn higher royalty payments from the eventual sales of your book (with the small remainder going to your printing house of choice). This would allow you to enjoy better financial returns from your intellectual property.

woman working on her laptop

You have control over your timetable

Perhaps one of the best things about publishing your own book is that you have absolute control over your timetable. With traditional book publishing, you will be forced to cope with the deadline set by the publisher, which could compromise the quality of your book. When you self-publish, you won’t have to worry about it since you have the freedom to work on your materials as you please, have your book printed, and release it whenever you’re ready.

It can be a portal to mainstream publishing

If you want to eventually become a mainstream name in the publishing world, going indie can be your best move. But you can only do this if your self-published book will sell well, enough to catch the attention of traditional publishers. So, be sure to give it your best shot the first time.

Self-publishing a children’s book may be hard difficult, but it can be rewarding in the end. That said, be sure to prepare good enough material and connect with a trusted publishing company that offers assistance to writers who wish to publish independently.

The Author

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