Social Media Influencer: How You Can Become One

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In this digital world where everyone wants to be noticed, seen, and heard, social media influencers buzz right now. Growing from $6.5 to $13.8 billion in just a span of three years from 2019 to 2021, influencer marketing is seen to be a lucrative way of earning money.

As we see it on social media, being an influencer means leading a glamorous lifestyle. Brands pay you, you have many an audience listening to you, and people give you stuff for free. Furthermore, being a social media influencer gives flexibility and freedom to make life changes whenever you want.

However, becoming a social media influencer is not an easy feat. Sure anyone can be an “influencer,” but to actually earn money while influencing others is not that simple. There are tons of processes involved to rise into an influencer status and to maintain the same.

What Is a Social Media Influencer?

In essence, a social media influencer is someone who has the capability to sway a consumer’s purchasing behavior based on his/her online presence. A social media influencer typically promotes products and services of brands through social media networks.

Celebrities, bloggers, industry leaders, and anyone with significant social media followers are influencers. Brands recommended by these influencers, especially if they swear by them, are typically followed by their audiences.

In recent years, social media influencers have proven to be an effective marketing tool for small and major business players.

Why People Want to Become One

There are plenty of reasons why a lot of people want to have an influencer status these days. Apart from the fact that it can give you a steady flow of income once you become big, having an influencer status allows you to make a difference in the world.

Being a social media influencer means you have the power to speak out your thoughts. You have a voice to tackle compelling societal issues. Furthermore, you gain respect with an influencer status. In fact, 9 out of 10 millennials trust influencers more than traditional celebrities.

Since your opinion matters, you can impact people’s behaviors and decisions. For example, you can promote embracing a healthier and more active lifestyle. Or, you can advocate for environmental sustainability.

Essentially, you can use your influencer status to do something good for the community and the world as a whole.

How You Can Be an Influencer

As mentioned, landing a social media influencer status is not an easy task. The ladder to success means taking methodical steps until you reach the peak.

person taking photo of food

To get you started, here are some tips below:

#1 Choose Your Niche

Before jumping right ahead to your career as a social media influencer, you first have to find your niche. Your niche should be something you are interested in and passionate about. It is way easier to create content if you love what you are talking about.

Apart from that, solid expertise in the field is leverage, making it easier for yourself to establish an influencer status.

#2 Optimize Social Media

After you have selected your niche, you need to choose your preferred social media platform. There are plenty of social media platforms today, but most social media influencers agree that Instagram delivers the best results.

Nonetheless, choose at least two social media platforms and make an effort to optimize your profiles on both channels.

#3 Know Your Audience & Engage Them

Being a social media influencer means you know who your target audience is and how to keep them engaged.

Influencers do not cater to everyone, but only those individuals who share the same interest as them. So, before posting or sharing any content on social media, you must understand your audience.

Built-in analytic tools in most social media platforms provide valuable insights into your current audience regarding their demographics and interests.

Once you have started posting content, you must stay connected with your audience. You can do this by replying to their comments and messages. You could also engage them by asking questions. With interactions like these, you help solidify your position as an influencer.

#4 Create Relevant Content

Posting engaging and relevant content is also another key in building your social media influencer status. The more you can engage your audience, the more people will listen to you and follow your recommendations.

There are various content strategies you can mix up to get your audience engaged. If necessary, you can hire a professional photographer or a video production team to help you create more compelling visuals.

Though no rule prohibits influencers from mixing their niche with their personal lives, try not to deviate from your core area of expertise. Also, be consistent with your niche.

Building a social media influencer status takes time and effort. With these tips, patience, and determination on your part, you will eventually see the desired results.

The Author

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