Which Musical Instrument Should You Play?

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Choosing a new musical instrument to play can be overwhelming for anyone.

Are you into something simple and fun? Perhaps you’d want to learn the ukulele. Want a more challenging choice? Why not go for a violin. If you need help in choosing the right instrument fits who you are in terms of personality and skill, asking suggestions from experienced teachers is the way to go.

2 men playing guitar

But for now, here are four instruments most people tend to gravitate to:


If you like cheery-sounding and mellow songs, the ukulele is right for you. This fun instrument is available almost everywhere at an affordable price and learning how to play it only takes around three to six months.

The ukulele is also small compared to other musical instruments, so traveling with it should be hassle-free. Choose between acoustic, electric, electro-acoustic, and banjo ukuleles, depending on your music style. As far as sound dynamics go, however, the ukulele only has a limited range of notes.


Whether you want to become a classical, acoustic, or electric guitarist, mastering this instrument can take months or even years. You just have to be patient and persistent while studying the chords, scales, and plucking patterns, among others.

Even though you already play the guitar, getting a dedicated music teacher will significantly improve and fine-tune your skills. The guitar world is rich and flexible, which is why it’s very popular with novice and seasoned players.


If you love classical music by Beethoven, Mozart, and Debussy, then playing the piano would be perfect for you. Age or musical background doesn’t really matter, you can learn how to play in as short as six months. But if you give yourself three years, you’ll be able to read intermediate music sheets.

Pianos can be intimidating at first, but these are actually one of the easiest instruments to master for adults. Going out of tune is hardly noticeable, unlike with other instruments.


Often accompanied by a viola, double bass, harp, or woodwind, the violin is a type of string instrument that was first hand-crafted in Italy. Its roots date back to the early 16th century, evolving from classical violin concertos and sonatas to folk and modern jazz music genres.

Girl playing a violin

Violin is the challenging choice — it takes many years of practice to build solid muscle memory. But with the help of a knowledgeable, passionate teacher, you’ll be able to grasp the basic concepts of playing within six months to a year. Like any other musical instrument, playing and mastering the violin requires a lot of persistence.


Many music schools offer beginner-friendly or trial classes at low rates. Some music studios may even provide you with discounted or free music lessons in South Jordan, or any other place around the globe.

Guage your skills and get a feel for playing an instrument before you commit. The violin, for instance, is incredibly hard to master without regular practice and guidance. But don’t let this stop you from learning! Alternatively, you can start with something as uncomplicated as a ukulele.

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