When it comes to expressing how you feel online, memes are one of the most entertaining ways to do so. But if you’re feeling a little nerdy and galactic, Star Wars memes are here to save the day!
From the original trilogy to the prequel (that no one can agree on whether it’s good or not) to the current trilogy, George Lucas’ “Star Wars” had made its mark on pop culture. Starting in 1977 with “Episode IV: A New Hope,” the series has an extensive selection of memes — all of them tasteful, humorous and downright relatable.
The best thing about funny Star Wars memes? You can use them to express how you feel wherever you are, whenever. Grow your collection as if you’re collecting action figures, but in this case, you’re collecting memes.
You heard that right: whether it’s the Star Wars prequel memes (which, at least, everyone agrees are good — the memes) or Emo Boy Ben Solo memes, fans can use a Star Wars meme no matter what the occasion is.
When Did Star Wars Memes Become Popular?
The mid-2000s saw the explosion of memes, despite the term “meme” being coined in 1976. During that time, people were using memes that made fun of popular culture. Apart from memes that involve Chuck Norris, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more, “Star Wars” ended up in the meme universe as more people made May the 4th Be with You memes, Yoda memes and our favorite Darth Vader memes. When you scroll on 9GAG, the website where memes gained more popularity, not a page goes by without seeing any meme referencing “Star Wars.”
Now, “Star Wars” memes are still circulating the internet — with each meme becoming more creative as users draw inspiration from the old movies or the new trilogy. Ben Solo alone is worth a thousand relatable memes, especially if you’re after the sappy, emo kid-type of humor.
The Best Star Wars Memes
If you’re looking for the perfect meme for specific situations, here are some of our favorites (and when you can use them).
When You Want to Flirt Better: Anakin Vs. Anakin

Anakin in the prequel movies is a far cry from Anakin in “The Clone Wars.” One of them is a Jedi Knight in the middle of a war while the other is a moody teenager (the latter being Prequel Anakin, of course).
If you want to flirt right, Clone Wars Anakin is the way to go, as exemplified in this Star Wars meme. He’s suave and cool, he’s clear-headed and he definitely knows his way to Padmé Amidala’s heart. Don’t be like Prequel Anakin; he took a romantic moment with the Queen as an opportunity to express his rage against sand (iconic but downright annoying).
When You Wish You Did Better: Stormtrooper in Regret

We know that scene: Obi-Wan fools a bunch of stormtroopers with the use of his Jedi “mind trick.” Calmly telling a bunch of storm troopers “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” (with a slight magical movement of his fingers), he manages to trick them, sparing Luke, C3PO and R2-D2 an unnecessary fight with the imperial guard.
But what if the stormtroopers realized that those droids were the droids they were looking for afterward?
You know that feeling: #InstantRegret #WhyWasntISmarterEnough #WhyDidIDoThat. So if you’re regretting something right now, you’re not alone. The storm troopers from “A New Hope” feel you, too.
When You Feel Like You’re the Only Single Person Left in The World: Jar Jar Binks Has a Girlfriend

<p”>There’s nothing wrong with being single, but there are days when you’re tired of being alone — especially if it seems as if everyone within your social circle is in a relationship. The feelings get worse when you realize that even Jar Jar Binks — aka the “Star Wars” character whose presence is so debatable, it can make your head hurt — has a girlfriend!
This awkward Star Wars meme describes everything about the single life. Jar Jar Binks hitting off Queen Julia offers two thoughts:
- You may be as awkward at Jar Jar when it comes to asking someone out.
- If Jar Jar can find someone, however, that means you can too!
When You’re Rooting for the Bad Guys in Star Wars: Scumbag Steve Rooting for the Empire

If you’re a die-hard “Star Wars” fan, not a year goes by that you don’t watch all of the trilogies. And when you do watch them with friends, you know it’s a battle between those who side with the Rebellion and those who are with the Empire.
Admittedly, rooting for the bad guy is the new cool thing to do. Siding with the Rebellion is out; being pals with Darth Vader is in.
Popular meme Scumbag Steve resonates with your cause. He loves “Star Wars” just as much as you do. And of course, he roots for the Empire.
When People Tease You for Being a Nerd Who Likes Star Wars: The Philosoraptor

Why is it that people often associate loving “Star Wars” with being a nerd? Just because we’re obsessed with droids, TIE fighters and lightsabers? But then again, is it bad to be a nerd? Do all nerds like “Star Wars”? Is that something cool?
If you’re asking all of these questions, the Philosoraptor is asking them for you.
When the Reality of the COVID-19 Pandemic Hits You: COVID-19 Party with Jedi Masters

No thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many parties and meet-ups are now virtual hangouts occurring on video conferencing apps, such as Zoom and Skype.
The Jedis from “Star Wars” foretold the reality of virtual gatherings. In this meme, the Jedi (and the hidden Sith) meeting up via holograms, which is eerily similar to how we’re meeting up via FaceTime or Zoom. Holograms are used a lot during the prequel series to convey communication throughout the galaxy because, you know, everyone’s busy trying to save the galaxy or rule it.
When You Thought 2020 Was Going to Be a Good Year: You Were the Chosen One!

Admit it: 2020 seemed like THE year. It had plenty of holidays, there were special events to look forward to plus it’s 2020. It was the end of another decade. It was bound to be good.
But you know: COVID-19 hit.
The parties you looked forward to were celebrated at home via a virtual party; all of your travel plans are canceled and you can’t even see your loved ones as constantly as you used to. To say 2020 was a disappointment is an understatement. And we’re sure Obi-Wan can relate. Anakin happened to him.
Everything about 2020 seemed perfect — until the year threw an Anakin and turned dark on us.
When You’re Either #Thirsty or Motivated to Get Swole: Ben Swolo

If there’s anything good that came out of the recent Star Wars trilogy, that would be Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo. Apart from the emo freshness he brings to the series, his entire character is a breath of fresh air to Star Wars, as well as a gold mine of memes.
In a sea of Emo Kylo Ren memes, however, there’s one that stands out. In the Last Jedi, a shirtless Ben Solo appears to Rey as they discover their Force Bond. The scene must have been shot to trigger a #ThirstTrap, which it did — but that’s not the only thing they got from it. They got audiences confused as to whether actor Adam Driver’s chest was edited or he’s really built that way.
(Spoiler: he’s really built that way).
Ben Swolo is the patron saint of people who aspire to be just as “swole,” of the people who thirst after Adam Driver and the people who just need a really good laugh.
Life is a colossal meme, which is why almost every scene in our lives deserves a “Star Wars” meme. So when someone asks you if you do these types of memes, take a page off Harry Potter’s book and say, “Always.”
Do you have a favorite meme that we missed? Share your thoughts in the comments section!